Did You Know There Are Different Types of Business Plans?
You’ve probably heard about the importance of creating a business plan before you create a website, design your logo and start selling! But do you know why it’s so essential?
I’m with my special guest Pamela Chatry, a Strategic Business Advisor and Planner. In this episode of Your Business Edge: AMPLiFY! Marketing for Small Businesses, I asked Pamela some important questions, and she had some great answers.
Watch to learn:
- The risks and ramifications of not having a business plan
- What is involved in market research and why you have to do it
- The different types of business plans (your business is unique, and your plan will be too)
- If brand new entrepreneurs really need a full business plan
- How to start creating a solid business plan
Enjoy this latest episode of: Your Business Edge – AMPLiFY! Small Business Marketing Strategies
If you liked this episode and know of others who could use this information, please share this to your social media channels.
You can check out some of Pamela’s past eTips here:
How to Get the Legal Advice You Need to Start Your Small Business
Book References:
The One Page Business Plan: Start with a Vision, Build a Company! [With CDROM]
The One Page Business Plan for the Busy Executive
The One Page Business Plan for the Professional Consultant
The One Page Business Plan for Non Profit Organizations
To your business success,
Susan Friesen
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